Mail Management

Mail Management Service

Mail Management Service For Your Company and Business

Among our various corporate services, Idea Bizone also offers businesses an easy and smart solution for their paper mail piles. You can simply direct all your mail to us by leaving our P.O. Box and address as your business’ mailing address. 

Our mail management service means your business mail will never go unreceived. The mail management team at Idea Bizone will sort through all the mail your business receives and organize and store it safely. We will contact your business within 24 hours of receiving any mail in your name so you can pick it up at a time suitable for you.


Mail Management Services

Our mail management services cover all your mail management needs:

Email handling

1. Mail Handling, Sorting, And Storage

Forget the days when you had to assign employees to keep vigilant about receiving mail and storing it, so it's not forgotten. Our mail management team will receive your mail and sort it for you. We also keep all mail for up to 30 days so you can pick it up even if you're unavailable for a short while.

Email notification

2. Notifications and Mail Alerts

Our team has a designated period each day in which we send out a notification for mails and packages received throughout the day for any client. You can pick up your mail at any time convenient for you.

email security

3. Security And Verification

At Idea Bizone, we recognize how sensitive the contents of your mail can be. We promise to uphold the integrity of all your mail and parcels, storing them for you exactly as we receive them.
We only hand over your mail to an authorized person determined by you. Any changes in the list of such persons will require an email sent to us in advance. The Emirate ID will be required as proof of identity from anyone who picks up your mail.

Mail Management And Your Business

Even as the world gears to abandon paper mail in favor of emails and digital documents, the paperless movement is far from fully affecting the corporate sector. 

Going paperless is just not the right option for corporate offices and businesses. 

Paper mail and postal services are crucial to businesses. Mail is an excellent way for traders to correspond, market, and receives documents. 

Paper mail has a much greater response rate as compared to emails, meaning it makes for more effective marketing. Studies have shown that more than 50% of people read their mail while at least 21% scan it. On the other hand, the click-through rate of email attachments is not even 2%. 

The tangibility of paper grants it authority and trustworthiness, especially in matters of sensitive documents like invoices, tax documents, and bills. 

With the amount of mail that any business receives, it is easy for a few envelopes to get lost in a pile or get ignored for just a little too long. It is difficult for remote and small businesses to spare enough employees for mail organization tasks. There might even be a lack of space to make a triage station for sorting the piles of mail delivered.

Using a mail management service to sort and store your mail is a good idea for your business. You can ease your team’s extra load and responsibility, leading to more lucrative use of time and greater team efficiency.

What Is Mail Management?

Mail management is of two types: email management and direct mail management. Our mail management team at Idea Bizone provides your business with the former kind.

When we say we manage your direct mail, that means that all your mail and packages are rerouted to our office instead of yours. You save the clutter in your office space by letting us organize your mail and having it ready for pickup at your convenience.

Benefits and Advantages

Benefits of Having A Managed Mail

In an office, big or small, mail management is crucial in a smooth-running workplace. 

Having your mail managed saves you valuable time. Your employees have the abilities and expertise to run a business, and any time spent on mundane tasks is a waste of their mental resources! 

Using a mail management service like Idea Bizone allows your employees to focus on what they do best with a clear mind. Our team is solely focused on managing your mail; we do our jobs very well, proven by client testimonials and our long experience. 

With Idea Bizone’s mail management team, you can keep track of all your mails and increase your team’s productivity at the same time.

Disadvantages of Not Having A Managed Mail

Leaving the mail sorting to your office’s sorting system is a high risk. For one, employees will need to separate out a time to manage the office mail, pulling them into the mindset of a separate task. Manual mail management while multitasking is more prone to errors. 

A sorting system is needed for office mails to locate the proper documents without losing any extra time rooting through disorganized piles. It is best to sort mail by type and date received. However, a sorting system needs constant upkeep, a drain of company time. Moreover, an efficient sorting system would also require a lot of storage space which is often not feasible for smaller offices.

Working Process

How Does It Work?

The mail management process is quite simple as far as our client’s responsibilities go. Our team is available throughout the day, and a member will receive and sign your mail upon receiving it. 

We will record any details visible on the exterior of your mail, like the sender, sender’s address, and any hints towards the contents of the mail. Within 24 hours of receiving your mail, we will notify you with the complete information about all your emails so you can prioritize when and what to collect.

How We at Idea Bizone Help You

Our mail management team at Idea Bizone will keep your sort through and store your mail at our offices. Our offices have a well-organized storage system that stores mail from all clients in separate, safe lockers, so there’s no chance of a mix-up or misplacement. 

We store your mail for thirty days after delivery. You can collect it safely from our office within that period at your convenience.

Get Your Mail Managed Today at Idea Bizone

At Idea Bizone, we maintain high transparency with our clients. We ensure complete clarity about our process with clients to build a relationship of trust. 

With all this knowledge about our mail management services, you now know how we can help you and your business. You can hire us to manage your mail right now. If you have any further queries about our services or packages, you can contact our team for detailed information. 

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